Business Studies (to run a startup company) With Certification



Understand what is venture capital and how to partner with the top venture capital firms to take your company to the next level.
Present to investors and customers like a boss
Communicate the right way in business so that you don’t waste time.



Understand what is venture capital and how to partner with the top venture capital firms to take your company to the next level.
Present to investors and customers like a boss
Communicate the right way in business so that you don’t waste time.
Change careers easily.
Network and get a meeting with anyone (ideal tips on how to get a job or how to reinvent yourself or how to find customers
Analyze entire markets and companies from a qualitative and quantitative perspective.
Understand how taxes work (don’t worry this section is not boring)
Protect your family and assets in case your business gets sued.
Understand what business career makes most sense for you!
Restructure your company and the benefits of declaring bankruptcy protection if needed.
Partner with equity and debt providers.

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